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Gas Detector Features

Monitor the right gases for your environment

Let's start with the basics. If you are looking for a gas detector, it is because there is a possibility of gas hazards in your area. Therefore, the monitor you choose must be able to detect these gases. Start by answering these questions:

Although there is no "A Personal Multi-Gas Monitor is a good starting point for identifying all possible combinations of gas hazards. Look for sensor options to monitor the gases you are most likely to encounter in your application or, if present, could pose the greatest hazard.

Customization flexibility Your Application

If your gas detectors are used solely for personal monitoring, this is not a problem. But if you're working in tight spaces, doing remote sampling, or just need a multitasking monitor, you need to plan ahead.

Many multi-gas monitors are available in both pumped (primed) and non-pump models, but there is a third option. Some gas detectors are compatible with push pumps, allowing you to use one monitor in different situations. Although monitors with and without a pump can be used for personal monitoring, slip-on pumps are a popular choice because they reduce a monitor's weight and increase battery life.

Measuring ranges to match your PPE needs

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends different levels of personal protective equipment (PPE) based on potential hazard exposure. in parts per million (ppm).
To accurately determine exposure, your gas detectors must be capable of reading levels per NIOSH guidelines for PPE. For example, if Ammonia (NH3) could be present at your
site, your gas detectors must be able to detect NH3 at levels greater than 300 ppm. However, many gas detectors can only measure NH3 from 0 to 100 ppm. This presents a problem.
Without a device that can measure levels in excess of 300 ppm (or the NIOSH recommendation for your specific toxic gas), how do you know if your PPE is providing adequate protection?

Alarm Action Messages and Full Screen Alarms

When a gas detector triggers an alarm, you need to know what to do right away. It's easier to make the safest decision quickly when monitors can communicate the right action and reinforce safe behavior. Custom alarm action messages,
like EVACUATE or USE SCBA, match alarm settings, making it easy to take appropriate action in an emergency.

We pride ourselves on giving the best expert and technical advice.